100% Discount || Software architecture

Requirements Programmers of all levels and budding system architects Description The architecture describes the processes and structures of the entire project, determining the data throughput in different...

100% Discount || JUnit 5, Mockito, PowerMock, TDD, BDD & ATTD

Requirements Knowledge of Java Basics (passing of my courses – Master Java Basics, OOP should be enough to proceed with this course) Description From this course, you...

100% Discount || Improving software development productivity

Requirements All those who are engaged in the development of various kinds of software and not only will benefit from this course. Description What will be in...

100% Discount || Curso de Base de Datos SQLite

Requirements Sistema operativo Windows 7, 8, 10 o 11 Description Curso de Base de Datos SQLite SQLite: SQLite es una biblioteca en proceso que implementa un motor de base de...

100% Discount || Learn to Code in Python 3: Programming beginner to advanced

Requirements It is not required to have any previous experience in IT or programming You only need a computer Description In this course, learning to code will be...

100% Discount || Telecom basics (signals-satellite-microwaves-antennas)

Requirements الكورس لا يتطلب أي شئ قبله Description الكورس موجه إلى  المهندسين والمبتدئين في علم الاتصالات سنقوم بشرح مبادئ الاتصالات العامة بشكل مبسط جدا باللغة العربية مصحوب بالمصطلحات...

100% Discount || SDET C#: Test Automation From Scratch – Detailed Guide

Requirements No programming experience needed. You will learn everything you need to know. Description From this course, you can learn how to become Software Development Engineer in...

100% Discount || Software Architecture and Clean Code Design in OOP

Requirements Basic understanding of Object-oriented programming. In case you don’t have any priori knowledge of OOP, watch my other course that is named “Object-Oriented Programming...

100% Discount || JPA & Hibernate: Complete Course with Online Shop Example

Requirements Understanding of Java Syntax JDBC Basics of Relational Databases Description From this course, you can learn JPA and Hibernate There are a lot of other courses on this topic. So, why would...
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