
    100% Discount || Podcasting Live Playbook – P3: The Podcasting Course Trilogy

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    Podcasting Live Playbook – P3: The Podcasting Course Trilogy


    • Your own computer and internet access.
    • You must understand English. (Grade 12 level).
    • You must have a Udemy Student Account.


    The Podcasting Playbook – The Podcasting Trilogy, Part 3!

    Welcome to The Podcasting Playbook Course – Proclaim Your Message To The Entire World!

    ATTENTION, SOLOPRENEURS: Are You Ready to take your business to the next level with a way to place your message in front of millions of potential customers when it comes to your products? As a matter of fact, getting your message in front of the entire world! And without spending a fortune on advertising?


    Did you know that in the year 2022:

    · There are 383.7 million podcast listeners globally.

    · It is predicted that there will be around 424 million podcast listeners worldwide by the end of 2022.

    · As of June 2022, there are over 2.4 million podcasts with over 66 million episodes between them.

    · The United States has the most podcast listeners. It is predicted that there are over 100 million active podcast listeners in the US.

    · Scandinavian countries have the highest podcast penetration rate.

    · One-third of the American Population listens to podcasts regularly

    · 78% of the US population is aware of podcasts. Out of which, 28% listen to podcasts weekly.

    · 160 million US citizens have listened to podcasts at least once.

    · 91% of Australian people are aware of podcasts.

    · Projections show that by 2028, podcasting will be a $94.88 billion industry.


    Who this course is for:

    • This course is for anyone who has an idea, information, or a product and wants to get their message in front of the world.

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