
    100% Discount || UiRPA UiPath Certified RPA Associate Exam Prep

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    UiRPA UiPath Certified RPA Associate Exam Prep


    • 3 – 6 months’ RPA hands-on experience


    In this course, we will cover everything you need to get ready for the UiPath Certified RPA Associate Exam. This includes topics such as Selectors, Control Flow activities, Error Handling, Datatables, Queues, Assets, Debug Features, Data Manipulation, and much more. We’ll go through the essentials in UiPath Studio, UiPath Orchestrator, and UiPath Assistant so you will learn how these main UiPath Products work together.

    Besides all that, we are also going to create several examples to demonstrate how to work with UiPath Studio. In addition, I’m going to show you how to create specific bots that are going to automate activities against target applications such as Microsoft Outlook, Excel, and also Adobe PDF reader.

    The UiPath Certified RPA Associate (UiRPA) is expected to be able to independently design and develop straightforward RPA solutions, or to work effectively as a member of an automation team under the direction of an RPA Developer who is in charge of creating complex solutions utilizing UiPath technologies.

    This test evaluates your knowledge and abilities in problem-solving, identifying processes, and creating straightforward automation solutions using UiPath platform tools like UiPath Studio, Robots, and Orchestrator.

    Professionals who want to develop and evaluate their knowledge and abilities in order to become Advanced RPA Developers, Solution Architects, or RPA Architects should start with UiRPA.

    Bring your RPA skills to the next level by getting prepared to this UiPath Certified RPA Associate (UiRPA) certification.

    Who this course is for:

    • Junior RPA Developers
    • RPA Developers
    • Solution Architects
    • Business Analysts
    • System Administrators
    • College/University Students and/or Graduates

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