
    100% Discount || Taoist Sex Education – The Multi Orgasmic Man

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    Taoist Sex Education – The Multi Orgasmic Man


    • To enroll in this course, it is recommended to have first taken the course: Deciphering Multi Orgasmic Man – Important Prior Knowledge.


    Most people mistakenly think that “ejaculation” is the same as “orgasm”.

    Science, represented by sexologists and sex therapists, says it categorically: Orgasm and ejaculation are “two different experiences”.

    What happens is that women are “orgasmic by nature”, that is, their body is predisposed to experience them naturally, while men are “ejaculatory by nature”, which means that, in order to experience orgasms, they have to learn.

    With this course, you will learn to distinguish the differences between these two experiences to enhance behavior and enjoyment within the sexual act. You will understand that a MULTI – ORGASMIC MAN is capable, after experiencing orgasm, of conserving erection, desire, sexual energy, and most importantly, the romantic interest between man and woman will remain intact, enhancing the bonds of union and allowing access to the experimentation of the long-awaited sentimental orgasms, the true sexual ecstasy as a couple!

    Ultimately, Taoist knowledge is important because it “complements the sexual education of people” and the students who take this course will have access to all the oriental wisdom, managing to understand the meaning of a MULTI – ORGASMIC man, and most importantly, they will be able to enjoy all its benefits.

    Do not wait for more.

    “Improve your life”


    Who this course is for:

    • For men 18 to 80 years of age who want to develop their sexuality.
    • For adult women who want to know the Taoist principles that govern male sexuality and all its secrets.

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