
    100% Discount || JavaScript Ultimate Course

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    JavaScript Ultimate Course



    • Anyone looking to Learn JavaScript


    Have you always wanted to learn how to code but don’t know where to start?

    Would you like to make amazing websites and bring your ideas to life?

    Then JavaScript Ultimate Course is for you!

    Hi, I’m your instructor Josh Werner and I’ll be leading you through this course.

    Programming is the most in-demand skill in 2021.

    The course begins with the basics.

    I’ll take you through everything you need to know to start building websites like an expert.

    You’ll learn all the fundamentals of JavaScript and how you can

    use them to start building the dynamic content for your websites.

    This is great for students starting or advanced developers that need a refresher course on JavaScript.

    There are no requirements necessary to enroll I only ask that you come open minded and ready to learn

    Feel Free to look through the course description and checkout some of my preview videos

    The course is packed with over 6 hours of hands-on tutorials

    Here is what you will Learn:

    01. Introduction

    01. Overview

    02. FireFox Developer Edition

    02. Overview

    03. Download & Install

    04. Features

    05. Developer Tools

    06. Summary

    03. Atom

    07. Overview

    08. Download & Install

    09. Open a Project

    10. Version Control with GitHub

    11. Collaborate with Teletype

    12. Install a Package

    13. Choose a Theme

    14. Hack on the Init Script

    15. Add a Snippet

    16. Keyboard Shortcuts

    17. Summary

    04. JavaScript

    18. Overview

    19. History

    20. What is JavaScript

    21. Versions

    05. Basics

    22. Overview

    23. Download Files

    24. Where to Insert JavaScript

    25. Output

    26. Statements

    27. Syntax


    29. Variables

    30. Let

    31. Const

    32. Operators

    33. Arithmetic

    34. Assignment

    35. Data Types

    36. Functions

    37. Objects

    38. Events

    39. Strings

    40. String Methods

    41. Numbers

    42. Number Methods

    43. Arrays

    44. Array Methods

    45. Array Sort

    46. Array Iteration

    47. Dates

    48. Date Formats

    49. Date Get Methods

    50. Date Set Methods

    51. Math

    52. Random

    53. Booleans

    54. Comparisons

    55. Conditions

    56. Switch

    57. Loop For

    58. Loop For In

    59. Loop For Of

    60. Loop While

    61. Break

    62. Type Conversion

    63. Bitwise

    64. RegExp

    65. Errors

    66. Scope

    67. Hoisting

    68. Strict Mode

    69. this Keyword

    70. Arrow Function

    71. Classes

    72. JSON

    73. Debugging

    74. Style Guide

    75. Best Practices

    76. Mistakes

    77. Performance

    78. Reserved Words

    06. Objects

    79. Overview

    80. Definitions

    81. Properties

    82. Methods

    83. Display

    84. Accessors

    85. Constructors

    86. Prototypes

    87. ECMAScript 5

    07. Functions

    88. Overview

    89. Definitions

    90. Parameters

    91. Invocation

    92. Call

    93. Apply

    94. Closures

    08. Classes

    95. Overview

    96. Intro

    97. Inheritance

    98. Static

    09. Async

    99. Overview

    100. Callbacks

    101. Asynchronous

    102. Promises

    103. Async/Await

    10. HTML DOM

    104. Overview

    105. Intro

    106. Methods

    107. Document

    108. Elements

    109. HTML

    110. CSS

    111. Animations

    112. Events

    113. Event Listener

    114. Navigation

    115. Nodes

    116. Collections

    117. Node Lists

    11. Browser BOM

    118. Overview

    119. Window

    120. Screen

    121. Location

    122. History

    123. Navigator

    124. Popup Alert

    125. Timing

    126. Cookies

    12. AJAX

    127. Overview

    128. Intro

    129. XMLHttp

    130. Request

    131. Response

    132. XML File

    133. PHP

    134. ASP

    135. Database

    136. Applications

    13. JSON

    137. Overview

    138. Intro

    139. Syntax

    140. JSON vs. XML

    141. Data Types

    142. Parse

    143. Stringify

    144. Objects

    145. Arrays

    146. PHP

    147. HTML

    148. JSONP

    14. Web APIs

    149. Overview

    150. Intro

    151. History

    152. Storage

    153. Worker

    154. Fetch

    155. Geolocation

    15. JavaScript vs. jQuery

    156. Overview

    157. Selectors

    158. HTML

    159. CSS

    160. DOM

    16. Conclusion

    161. Summary

    So what are you waiting for? I look forward to going through course with you I’ll see you inside!

    Who this course is for:

    • Beginner JavaScript Developers wanting to learn more about JavaScript

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